Dienstag, 29. Mai 2012

Und ewig grüßt ein Immobilienscout Betrüger...

Da dachte man, Immobilienscout24 hätte seine Scam Probleme im Griff, bekommt man mal wieder eine entsprechende Email:

Xenia Vetter <xenia.vetter3@hotmail.com> 


I bought the apartment for my daughter, during his studies in Germany. Then she returned to Grecee permanently, so I rent my house for an indefinite period. We rented our house with the Escrow Agency (well known and trusted) for the last two years. Until today, we had two tenants, easily and without any problems.

Since my daughter left Germany, nobody is there to take care about renting it so I will just send you the keys and contract using Escrow Agency . They will act as a third party in our transaction.

I hope it's OK with you, since this is the only reliable option.


Und weil es so lustig ist, schreibe wir doch mal zurück...mit

"This is very, very good my friend."

Mal schauen was zurückkommt....

1 Kommentar:

  1. Zu diesem Thema kann ich den folgenden Link empfehlen, wo es dem "Opfer" tatsächlich gelungen ist, vom Scammer einen holzgeschnitzten C-64 zu erhalten.

